
phase "b"...

A wise boy once said in a blog post, "The second semester's focus will be on Voice acting, but I'll figure out it's schedule as my New Year's resolution". That boy was me, and it is definitely a New Year (2012 now, right?). So as promised, I will formulate the next semester's schedule. This is gonna be tricky.

Oddly enough, I got WAY more information on voice acting during IKKICON VI than I anticipated, so I'm going to have to be a bit creative when writing up my to-do list. During the first semester, the potential for great quantities of information on piracy and bootlegging in the Anime Industry was revealed, and my attitudes towards the subject have strengthened enormously since. I'll probably slip in a bit more extensive researching on piracy when I can this semester. Either way, most (if not all) of the research for the project is accounted for, and all that're left are maybe hands on activities and putting together a final presentation.

The actual dates for class:
1.) FEB.14.2012; check process tracking form and documentation (4 blogs w/proof)
2.) APR.11.2012; check record of progress (4 blogs w/proof); analyze with partner; synthesize results for final product.
1.3.12 - Have mentor view most recent blog posts and comment where appropriate...
1.7.12 - Ask mentor all about the translation, recording, and processes.
2.13.12 - Check to see if I have at least twelve (12) blog posts.
?.17.12 - Visit a recording studio and take notes.
4.10.12 - Check to see if I have enough blog posts and Mentor Comments*.
4.14.12 - Figure out something to do for the live presentation (ask mentor for ideas?)
5.?.12 - Begin typing final research paper.
Wow. This schedule seems so vague compared to the last ones. Within the next few days I'll most likely do a post of my summary of IKKICON. Till next time!

*As it turns out, I only needed 4 blog comments for the whole year. My apologies to my mentor. Whoops.

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