
the game plan...

This is so I can get my personal calendar straight.

The actual dates for class:
1.) OCT.21.2011; topic due with parent and mentor signatures as well as blog address
2.) NOV.29.2011; check process tracking form and documentation (4 blogs w/proof)
3.) FEB.14.2012; check process tracking form and documentation (4 blogs w/proof)
4.) APR.11.2012; check record of progress (4 blogs w/proof); analyze with partner; synthesize results for final product.

I can already check off number ichi seeing as I've finished this blog and my mentor has been confirmed (who is it?? Only people on the "inside" can know!). What I'm going to do now is formulate a more personalized schedule for this semester, with the focus being on the Anime aspect. The second semester's focus will be on Voice acting, but I'll figure out it's schedule as my New Year's resolution.

10.20.11 - Request mentor to respond to this blog post. (I think you'll need to make an account if you don't have one, but you aren't required to actually embellish is or make an actual blog) After this date, blog comments will not be formally requested, but implied by each of the following dated activities.
10.24.11 - Begin researching super basics; Anime history and development, Voice Acting history and development, etc. Post article links and information on blog. Begin formulating questions for email interview with JB* as well.
10.29.11 - Send interview to mentor for review. Also have mentor try and take a whack at it.
11.1.11 - Post interview to blog and send a copy to JB
11.11.11 - Begin research on distribution process and content coverage. Ask mentor about IKKiCON (?) or any other convention: which ones are good, what do I do there, possibly set up a meeting?
11.25.11 - Review blog and research up to this point; check 4 proofs of progress AND mentor's minimal 4 blog comments (the absence of either will result in contact of mentor for a team meeting)
12.9.11 - Birthday. Be sure to take up time with an excessively long blog post.
12.17.11 - If not already, finalize registration for some sort of Anime convention. Refer to mentor.
1.1.12 - If the world still exists, begin planning 2nd semester's detailed agenda.
1.3.12 - Research different types of Anime - genres and they're audiences - and post findings to blog.. If received and not yet posted to blog, upload JB's response to interview questions (that would be a good mentor blog comment opportunity). Try and convince mentor to help me snag an email/skype interview with CS**.

As soon as my phone's recharged, I'm going to put in these personal dates so I have some sort of reminder.
This schedule's dates are relative, but very intently designated. Odds are I won't do things exactly when listed, but I will for sure do them dang close to the planned days.

*JB does not mean Justin Bieber.
**CS does not mean Charlie Sheen.

1 comment:

  1. Hey There ...

    I hope that all of your research is coming along well. Let me know if you are having any trouble contacting JB or CS. If either of those interviews fall through, I can see if I can help you find some alternative choices.

    I'm also checking with a few people that I know will be at IkkiCon to see if they'll have a few minutes to talk with you as well.

    Take Care
