
the work begins....

I'd like to start my blog very formally, but the odds of me actually doing so are very slim. Instead, I'm going to start talking about the ISP that the teacher formally known as Ms. Dowdle has assigned to me for the second year in a row.

Now. Last year I decided to do an extremely broad topic of "Thai Food" and used my mamma as my mentor. While that was all good and well I don't feel like I had reached out as much as the former Dowdle had intended. Therefore, I'm going above and beyond with my topic this year. My new topic is WAY more interesting, WAY more demanding, and WAY more unique than last year's topic (or anybody else's topic for this year).

By the time this blog will be read I will have already turned in my actual topic request paper to the former Dowdle. Because of that, I feel I have no obligation to flat-out state what my topic is in this post or on the blog. Think of it as a game; I'll post blogs accordingly, and you'll try and use deductive reasoning to figure out what the heck I'm webLogin' about. The people who already know my topic will be referred as members from here on in, and will receive special benefits for being on the "inside".

Wow, am I really ahead of things or what?! The checkpoint for topic selection/finding a mentor etc. is on Octogon21, and I've already completed everything for it. I'm probably going to do that thing where if I finish early I turn it in early as a mark of pride. Now all I have left to do is to read that book and type some paper!

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